[quote]Fair point - but thought an agency will be able to help structure the CV better knowing the insider views.[/quote]Not necessarily. A good recruiter can give you insights on the culture, the business pipeline etc but what you need to do yourself is make sure your CV can be read by software, and that's as relevant for putting your cv in the public domain as it is for sending through one of those infernal talent portals.There is no point applying for jobs you simply cannot do, or have no prior experience in, so you will already know the key terms and acronyms for your sector, functional specialism, industry. Make sure they are worked into your CV - in fact, once you have written a cv, put it through a word search on your desk top - you should be able to bring up a good scattering of highlighted key words for your key skills. If not re-write it. Now apply the fold test. Print your CV off and fold it in half. Can you see enough on the half page you can read to qualify for an interview? If not, guess what? Re-write it. I should go into recruitment or something.