Gents,Thanks for the replies.So....I received an official offer from both companies, which is obviously a fantastic position to be in.I had to get an answer to the bigger company within 30 minutes of hearing from the smaller company. The recriutment guy was pressuring me, but it's understandable as they gave me the offer the week before. However, I did tell them that I had another interview and would like to attend it. They kind of ignored that fact and kept pressuring me for an answer. I decided to decline the offer for the bigger company, rather than have it retracted. This way, I knew that I'm good enough to get in, so may go back in future. I just thought that if the offer was retracted, it may reflect badly on me.I've yet to accept the offer from the smaller company, but think that I made the right move, as it will challenge me more and take me out of my comfort zone.As Bob mentions, the thing that attracts me to them is that I will have more interaction with C level managers and more variety of work, where as in the bigger company I may be "pigeon" holed in a specific area....good for development in a certain area, but not so good for development as a general management consultant.Decisions, decisions!