#0 RE: Deloitte Case study ( Technology, CRM,EA, Change management)
Is this for a graduate position? From what I've heard, no matter which competency you apply for the case study at the AC should be the same. As with most AC case studies you will be expected to recommended a particular option out of 3-4. A method I usually use is to structure my answer with the simple but effective headings of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. Then depending on where they would be placed, I use the subheadings such as Logistics, Finance, People, Tax, Location. This allows for a decent analysis in the time given. Rather than leaving my actual recommended choice to the end, I always state it at the start of my written answer. Followed by why I haven't chosen the other options (based on the structure above) and finally why I have chosen my recommendation (again with the same structure). Consistency in approach is important. Best of luck.