I have always been wary of programs such as these. They target the disillusioned and the disenfranchised - and seek to offer some sort of life coaching for a tidy fee. Whilst I admit it's useful for some people, so is Religion - but that doesn't make it true! For me - to use any sort of coaching company for career guidance is nonsense - and usually in these models, they use bog-standard pseudo-psycho babble - with no real Consultancy insights, no experience of the market and - probably most irritatingly of all - no real results, just a litany of poor-quality, cliched advice you can get in most self-help books from Amazon for a tenner. I also doubt the efficacy of the group-sessions. The people in those sessions will not be the dynamic, go-getting promotees of tomorrow - they will be just as dispondent and confused as the rest, so any networking will not - let's say - be very useful!OK - I admit that this, however, may be something slightly different. Mr Cool will use his Consultancy experience to make it more relevant - but I echo the previous posters thoughts. 500 quid for 40 hours is peanuts. It doesn't sound like it's going to make you rich - or even the next Tony Robbins - so I would look at it the other way around. Are you willing to invest your OWN time in this rubbish for peanuts? If you are - good luck to you....