It was after writing and clicking on submit I realised those grammatical errors, I decided to edit it but could not because once you post it you can not delete and replace it. I really appreciate your concern.Just wanted to let you to know that, I have diverse skills and capabilities which makes me different and fit into most departments of an organisation. Yes the grammer, thanks but again, how would you develop a business if you dont know anything about business? Therefore, if I mention all the skills and knowledge I have, it does not mean it has nothing to do with another department. Instead, one need to ask him/herself what makes you different from the others? it is not the excellence english but your variety of performance especially in this diversed cultural society. Again ask how can you be useful to other departments though asigned to a particular one.Should I find myself in a banking, telecom, media house, production house, design studio, IT, etc. I can never be found wanting because I have been through learning, practicals and working process.Can you speak and write German, French or Greek excellently when you are in any of these countries? They will not laugh but SIMPLY help make corrections. Thats all friends.