I would happily see these outplacement firms driven off the cliffs of Dover. You do not need 'bespoke' CV advice - they are not bespoke documents. Applying some simple, quite generic, rules to writing a CV will produce results. There are numerous (free) resources online which provide advice on CV writing. And when you have written it, fold the first page in half (print it obviously). If you cannot win an interview based on what you can read above the fold, re-write it. Same for interviews. This coaching malarky is transparent - I can easily tell if someone has been coached, because they come across like the last one who was coached. Best interview coach is...yourself. Take a BS filter to how you explain or sell your experience - even record yourself explaining something. Listen to it the next day. Not convinced by yourself? Re-think how you explain the circumstances of that redundancy etc. If you are going into interviews in a state of depression etc, then you need a Doctor not an 'outplacement consultant' to 'coach' you on how to smother your distress in jargon.And finding a job - yup, all about you. Contact HHs, recruitment firms, be nice - offer something in return. Believe it or not there is a lot of opportunity for experienced hires - sometimes in places you aren't looking. Transferable skills? Extensive contacts? Got what it takes to go out on your own? It doesnt have to be that megabankconsultingsystems inc - could be a start up.