Been a while since I've frequented this forum, although as eagle-eyed as ever to spot a thread worth my wisdom, acerbic and inimiitable wit.Listen pal, you really have to kidding joining MC with your background. Contary to popular belief, MC does attract a fair few engineers, scientists, economists who are bright, logically-minded and numerically literate. The trouble is they have no avenue to exercise these skills. At that level it's all about PMO support, (write me a turgid status report, or update this risk log in excel or go and draft me up a dry incomprehensible ppt slide riddled with consultant-esque buzzwords. This is not the way to Davos, the top of a fortune 500 company or even a building blocks of an entrepreneurial career.Get into banking pal - build-me a fancy options model to value exotic commodities, go an then get of group of guys together and start-up a hedge or private equity fund, then get a pad in Hampstead and send your kids to a posh public school and retire at 50 and spend the rest of your life taking up hobbies you wish you started when you were 30Note Bene: Nice to be backZB.