Great points everyone. Based on what you've said I am going to get rid of the fees altogether, apart from travel expenses.The other key point made is finding a focus, a topic that I am in several different minds with. On the one hand I know that successful businesses clearly define the products or services they offer, but on the other hand I want the students to get as much variety in their work experiences as possible.The Little Consultants mentioned by Fury seem to be well structured, with Industry support from Kearney and a few others for training and case monitoring, which helps them justify their service, charging fees, etc. They've broadly identified their services as Strategy Consulting without really digging into specific competencies apart from a few past success stories, which I suppose hits all the marks for what we're looking for albeit different people will be after different challenges, hence my hesitance. Following on from anon and Mars' comments, anyone have advice about example CSR projects a company would be willing to work on with students? Assuming our degree subjects aren't relevant to the CSR project then I am not sure at the moment what message to send out, ex. Sounds like I need to focus entirely on how "working on a CSR with students will look good for your company because of X,Y,Z, provide the students with invaluable experience for their future careers, mention the associated potential spread of their grad scheme (in reference to the Times 100 comment)" opposed to "We are good at X,Y,Z and can help you in a CSR project to accomplish A,B,C"Back to our actual ability proposition. With our lack of experience it is very hard to pinpoint because I know most students won't truly understand what they're good at, or what they're bad at...if taking degrees into account I would say "Developing a sustainable link between IS/IT strategies and overall Business objectives / strategy". That, in woolly wording, covers IS/IT along with Strategy without making it sound like we have zero service focus, at least from my student point of view. Perhaps you see through it as sounding like BS!?