Apologies.... I may have jumped the gun a bit with my assessment, seeing as you mentioned "which strategy firm" I had assumed you meant the EY Strategy group.The ITA function is pretty solid (it's actually the area I sit in, so perhaps there will be some bias). Deloitte is considered the better brand, however from my exp (having colleagues in deloitte and working for EY) Deloitte tends to take people down a more specialised route, with less flexibility in moving across towers. This isn't the case, to the same extent at EY. The EY ITA group is currently best placed in the 8 arms of EY's Performance Improvement practices, (30% increase in net rev over last year). Some strong client work on going at the moment with few people on the bench... This wasn't the case prior to Christmas when a large proportion of SC's and above were benched. That's just a bit of a brain dump (I'm feeling a bit groggy after lunch!) and people may challenge some of my opinions but there you go :)