hm I felt like I wasn't quite helpful enough and a little rude.OP start saving this month. Forget the quick fix, you can make it happen in 2 years, unless you're a gambling addict with a penchant for horses you can do it. Even if you want a quick fix you're still going to need some capital, so liquidate some assets like someone else suggested. I know people who've sold cars to buy houses, you just go without for a while. You need to learn to live within your means BEFORE you buy a house, so if your mortgage payments are going to be the recommended percentage of your salary (a third? half? i forget) you need to practice living without that money now to simulate the life you will HAVE to live once natwest or whomever own your soul. That doesn't even include bills and such but you can get the idea.In all honesty I'm not sure there are as many people in your situation as you think, not at 28 and not at that level, most of the people I know from work live in one house and rent the other out, they have savings, families, nice cars. Yes a few people paid debts and such in the first 2 years but by 26ish the smart ones were buying somewhere to live.I hope you can glean some advice from this forum, it's probably only what some of your friends and family have already told you but now you're hearing it from people who work in the industry so hopefully that'll make it stick.