Was anyone else as moved as me by Black Swan? The constant, building tension. The grating, visceral crunches and breaks, the "feel it in the room right now" paranoia and exhaustion. And, my god, some of those set pieces - beautifully shot. The rapidly cut club scene - shot and edited in that flashy, fast paced way that is surely the best to emulate that on the floor abandon and euphoria. The last act itself, as those feathers began to sprout, as the climax the entire film had been building up to was chillingly and beautifully realised in the final grandiose pose, spread wide and basking in that blinding evanescent glow.And then the realisation that perfection had been reached - the gibes of the instructor to “let go” and achieve transcendence manifested in the fusion of reality and fantasy: real life had transformed into the artistic goal - and her death therefore signified the final convergence of this and thus its perfection.Breathtaking.