I can remember interviewing with Andersen Consulting about 15 years ago.You could have run a strip club with the staff that worked on reception.The office was very trendy, albeit impractical in my opinion. Bar stools and hot desking along a wavy table loosk very trendy, but makes for an utterly useless working facility in my opinion. The beady-eyed little geek that interviewed me was a proper little turd. No personality and extremely arrogant. He just seemed like a very suspicious, untrustworthy character.The group exercise was a sham. It was like something from The Apprentice, a bunch of starry-eyed young wannabes fighting with each other to outshine as being the most co-operative 'team player'.I witnessed real-life instances of juniors scurrying around pompous middle-managers as they whizzed around the office in full stride.The guy that took me to lunch seemed OK, though.The funny thing was, I don't think many of the staff that worked there really knew what Andersen Consulting actually did. They seemed to know it was all about technology and big impressive corporate offices. Lots of talk about "My client this" and "My client that". Yet, not a single one of them actually managed to answer my question "What do you do for your clients?"I left feeling highly impressed yet bitterly disappointed. So much glamour and shine, yet almost a sort of 'nothingness' at the sme time.Oh, those were the days.