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forum comment
#0 Accenture-undecided!
28.12.10 00:00
Hello everyone, I have recently received an offer from Accenture for graduate consulting position. I am graduating from top London university and I am interviewing for graduate positions at other consultancies, but I was pleased with Accenture offer. However, when I told my friends about it, mostly I got negative reactions and some were even shocked that I would want to work at Accenture. This is mostly due to their perception of Accenture's culture - extremely long hours, lot of pressure, constant traveling. I never thought that these things were any different at other consultancies. However, I have my doubts now if I really want to work for a company that lot of people seem to perceive as "bad guys". How is that going to reflect on my own personal image? During my interview process I met few people from other top London and UK universities and even few from top business schools from Europe and I am aware that lot of people from my school applied there and didn't even get invited to the first round of interviews. I am confused as to why lot of people are applying and want to work there whereas those outside of it really thing badly of the company.


forum comment
#0 RE: Accenture-undecided!
28.12.10 00:00
google accenture reputation or read through all the threads about ACN and you know why you shouldn't join them.


forum comment
#0 RE: Accenture-undecided!
28.12.10 00:00
Working hours and traveling aren't different from any other consultancy. Culture at Accenture is, as I have heard, little bit on a rough side, but if you learn to rise above it, do your work, and fit into the culture only so much as it is necessary, you will be fine. MC at Accenture or at Micknsey sucks the same amount. Find a job in a different industry altogether. Good luck.


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#0 RE: Accenture-undecided!
Been around the block
28.12.10 00:00
Hey BebsyACN is not as bad as people make it out to be. I never worked there, but know many people who have and I recruited with them out of university as well. Don't listen to people who are in your class. Everybody is in a different situation and has different aspirations. Looking at what they are doing, or what they think about ACN is only going to confuse you. Instead, focus on your own goals and talk to some experienced folks in the field (in person, as opposed to a forum where random people post random things that might bias you)Now, here is my view for all it is worth given my intro above: if you browse the internet and this forum you will find a lot of negative opinion on ACN. This is because frustrated people scream the hardest, and happy people go out and enjoy their success and happiness (instead of venting in a forum). You will see the same phenomenon with many other firms as well. You could certainly do worse than starting your career out at ACN. Having said that, meet with as many firms in the field (i.e. consulting if this is what you want to do) as are willing to interview you. Once you have a full set of alternatives, make a final decision based on your available options. What other people think or whether you believe you could have done better is irrelevant at that point, since you have your best during the recruitment cycle and you picked your best available alternative.


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#0 RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
29.12.10 00:00
Babsy, I think previous poster gave you a good advice. Most negative things you will read about ACN at forums are coming from frustrated individuals who either never got the change to work there (even though they wish they did), worked there and did not enjoy it (this is not due to ACN, but could be their own personality), or from people who are generally just wasting time and slagging everyone of because they can do that on forums. Alternatively, your friends who told you bad things about ACN-did they work there or do they really only have vague idea about ACN based on what others have told them? ACN in terms of the things you mentioned, and as you said it yourself, is not different from other consultancies. In this line of work you are making conscious decision to deprive yourself of private life, for most part of the day, constant traveling and lot of pressure. Its the price you pay for having the "luxury" to say "I work in management consulting". Its nothing, but its surprising how many, especially, young people are hung up on this idea of MC being an elite industry. Nobody who works 16 hours a day is or can be considered elite. Genuine elite don't work more then 8 hours a day and don't have such aspirations. Think what is best for you and make a decision regardless of what others tell you. Good luck.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
29.12.10 00:00
My 2 pence = I worked there for 8+ years. It is a good place. Excellent people policies....I worked for 16 hrs a day 25% of my tenure, there were days when I workd from home and was almost on a vacation ;-)At this stage of your career ( infancy ) a good brand and a bot og grinding is going to make you a man from a boy. You should ensure that you balance out what you are looking for in terms of work and a solid brand name and the right environment. There are negatives about ACN , but hey....what is perfect in this universe ? Ignore the posts lamblasting Accenture.....they are posted by look at bright spots and make the most of it !! All the best and have fun mate :0)


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
29.12.10 00:00
Thank you everyone for your thoughts. Ex-Accenture, do you mind me asking if you think Accenture is a solid brand name? I am not worried about hours or traveling, I know its expected from me in consulting whatever company I join. I do care about brand name and internal culture, though. B


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
29.12.10 00:00
I supposed to join ACN by March and luckily i got in touched with some insider, and all being said are mostly truth. But if you keen to learn and able to handle pressure unfair games, then you should join them. Otherwise, you should look at somewhere else. I mean its not always a must to join and slog to death at Accenture or BCG.... you get good developmental opportunities anywhere.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
English Man
29.12.10 00:00
Hey newACN,Are you from Andhra Pradesh in India?~ English Man


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
29.12.10 00:00
no, am from Europe but not London


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
ACN is a rock solid brand name ....go for it....


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#0 RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
Stay away from ACN if you want to have any sort of private life, if you want to be able to see your friends, go out, spend weekends with your friends and family away in the country, be able to go out for lunch and coffee during working day, be respected as a human being and highly educated individual, enjoy your co-workers and have fun at your work place. STAY AWAY.


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#0 RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
And which internationally reputable MC firm can I join where all of those things will be repected, OMG?Please tell me; I'll send my CV today.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
I joined in solutions 3.5 years ago. I don't like it any more, never really did but you can't beat the brand name. If you're from "a top london university" you're probably a perfect cardboard cut out for accenture life (also ideally WASPy, or as close as poss) you can hang out with your work "friends" in the pub every night and laugh the next day about how "p*ssed" you got. You'll love the long hours cos you think your job is sooooo important. I know it sounds cynical but I'm a normal person, I went to a normal school, a normal uni, never really liked toffs too much and there are an awful lot of authentic and wannabe snobs at accenture. Entitlement and self-righteousness is running theme in the ACG especially in the southern half of the country. The northerners are fab!Don't lie to yourself. If you're that kinda person you're gonna have a kickass time. If not, you can suffer it til your contracted 2 years to get that 10k are over.


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#0 RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
OMG,thats a bit extreme. Like any company you need to know how to work the system. Ok so I didn't join as an analyst but I met and work with a lot of like minded individuals in the ACG/UKDCCons who are still my good friends and if your not a drone or overly worried about upsetting these mysterious "higher ups" - who BTW don't give a monkeys about wat anyone below SM is doing! - you can get by just fine. Just don't be a yes wo/man.oh and f* HR, your scheduler, all those gimmicky people. If you get a great CC you're laughing, I swear.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
ABC, Good question. None of these things will be any different at other top consultancies, MBB, or boutique strategy ones (this is consulting industry we are talking about), but at least you will be able to say that you work or that you worked for BCG, Bain, or even LEK, ATK, and etc. These, and the likes of them, are respectable companies in consulting industry. And Accenture? Please. Think of it this way - MBB and boutique strategy consultancies are nice sirloin steak served at a top Michelin star restaurant and Accenture is chicken nuggets served at KFC.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
OMG,Shouldn't your advice therefore have been sth like "Stay away from ACN if you want very hard work and sacrifice to provide you with a presitgious and highly respected profile",or "Stay away from MC because...(hrs, respect, etc)" ??For what it's worth, I disagree with the the difference you claim there is between ACN vs Strategy firms (assuming we're speaking of ACN's Strategy practice).Granted, MBB etc are probably better. When everyone wants to work for you, you're gonna get the best people. I can even imagine that most of those who work for ACN Strategy have been rejected by MBB.But let's not get carried away. How much difference is there, really, between those hired by MBB et al. and the best of the hundreds of other candidates, with the same background & skills, who aren't?


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
2 months in and not sure what people crib about here - Every company is a BUSINESS and every company that pays you will SQUEEZE the most out of you no matter where you work....So then, as I had mentioned sometime back, if you are of the sorts looking for a 9-5 job then join the industry and get basic wages, but if you are game to put in the effort, work things out, master the system and make your weight count then gun for most gruesome of places - always remember you get but one chance to prove yourself AND you are not 20 forever...Regarding posters here, most are either late 20s/mid 30 yr old failures or 40/50yr old pops who have had it all and are fed up of the game and happy to vent out their anger - its all personal opinion but in the end it boils down to what YOU are ready to do and ready to take on board to be successful....Wish you the very best aheadAces


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
""Shouldn't your advice therefore have been sth like "Stay away from ACN if you want very hard work and sacrifice to provide you with a presitgious and highly respected profile" - haha :) tell me, ABC, how old are you? :)


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
previous post from lex is actually mine and it should have read Alex.Anyhow, Aces, good point. Its all really down to each individual's choice. However, your assumption is that consulting alone will bring you success and industry won't. This is highly mistaken belief. Industry can make you rich and you will enjoy the path to the richness. Very unlikely that you will enjoy the same path in consulting.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
30.12.10 00:00
(A)lex, I'm old enough to expect slightly more from a consulting forum than the non-constructive ranting found on here at times, your post to me included... yes offence!My point was that to provide the advice that someone should not join ACN because you work hard and sacrifice personal life adds no value to anybody. Sorry if you couldn't see that, or if it somehow offended you.Regarding your post, I will react no further as I don't even know what it means.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
31.12.10 00:00
Apologies for not being clear Alex - my reply was specific to the OPs question on it making sense to join ACN. Industry too is a great place to be. Bottom line is then initial years in Consulting with a well known brand is a nice to have plus given the wider exposure, more learning opportunities. There are always exceptions to this but if you have an offer in hand, with nothing better ahead, then my bet would be to go for itAces


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Aces Fan
04.01.11 00:00
Aces! You're back. I've missed you man. Who else would be perceptive enough to notive that most of the people on this forum are in their 20's, 30's, 40's or 50's and expressing personal opinion.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
04.01.11 00:00
Thanks my fan - pretty Im not the ONLY one giving personal opinions on this forum :-)And all said and done, ACN is not as bad as what so many make it to be - and this too is not a personal opinion!Aces


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Aces Fan
04.01.11 00:00
Aces, are you by any chance a fan of the late, great Ernie Wise? You seem to quote a lot of the "plays what he wrote"?


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Impersonal Opinion
04.01.11 00:00
Aces - out of curiosity, how is that not a personal opinion?


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
04.01.11 00:00
Accenture is bad, bad, bas, bas as the day is long. Their culture is lethal for any individual. Never met an Accenture person that said they liked their job or were proud of their company. Most are rejects from MBB and other boutique strat houses. Sad, sad, sad...


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Why is it when people speak good of ACN there seems to be a problem but when many others rant about ACN giving THEIR personal opinion its all ok and not questioned?To Impersonal Opinion - If it were such a horrific company to work then pretty sure it would have closed by now. If almost all employees are unhappy then neither would ACN be around nor would its name be known. For a company with over 200,000 people worldwide how can people on here categorically say its BAD and get away with it? I am not saying its the best around but given the negative tone on this forum, its really sad when people seeking impartial info get more negative and judgemental answers than objective ones.Aces


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
People are fools, don't know any better, can't be bothered, don't care, hence why their stay with Accenture-they need a job and they are desperate for money. And Frederick Taylor claimed, men are only motivated by their individual economic gains. Accenture is perfect example of this.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Mr Cool
05.01.11 00:00
What a lot of emotional, shoot-from-the-hip nonsense! How can “most” (i.e. the majority; 100,001 employees worldwide) be MBB or strat house rejects? What rubbish that ACN is good for no one! All capped by a pointless reference to Taylor – or to be specific a reference to just half of his Theory X/Theory Y premise! What a poor advertisement for the management consultancy – half baked analysis based on partial facts and a reference to a management theory consigned to the history books.Bebsy and other graduate job hunters, consider the following to be a hopefully more useful view…Andersen Consulting (as was) was one of the first management consultancy firms to grow super-aggressively. This started way back in the mid-eighties at a time when they were THE firm to join as a young graduate. They offered the best salaries and the best training. The employment brand was second to none in the “big 4” (was big 10). As the firm grew, they standardised their approach (to facilitate growth in scale, but also a symptom of that growth). This meant that the “AC Method” took on more and more importance. Staff were trained in a standard way, did things in a standard way, even found themselves dressing and behaving in a very corporate standard way. This was a strength and a weakness. Great for ensuring that raw recruits became basic reliable consultants, but not so great for independent thought.AC continued to grow, particularly by focussing on larger and larger IT build projects. This meant the firm became more “techy” and business consulting and strategy work became a minority activity. By the nineties the firm also had an “up or out” attitude that remains strong to this day. This and the standard approach to everything (young AC staff were routinely referred to as “androids”) created the basic culture of the firm that has survived and continued post-Enron (and the change to Accenture). The split from the Andersen parent company post-Enron merely polarised this culture, as older, more conservative elements of the firm tended to be within the accountancy parent company (the Enron partners being the exception!!)Since that point ACN has continued to grow and focus more and more on IT, large outsourcing, off-shoring and have developed a “solutions” arm that has little to do with management consultancy.The size of the firm and the focus on IT solutions means that from a pure consultancy employment brand, the firm is not what it was. The alumni has also been greatly diluted, by the post-Enron split, the dilution of the employment brand, and an eventual backlash against the elitism inherent within the firm that many feel is no longer merited.It remains a good employer from those who are interested in IT and want to work on large projects or solutions. In the IT world it is a decent brand, but “reliable” rather than leading-edge. Working hours are just the same as any other firm that derives revenue from client billable projects, i.e. swings from being over-worked while on projects to being totally becalmed while on the bench (both can be stressful if you do not know how to manage it!)I personally think it is too much of a sausage factory for anyone top class, but it would be silly to simply dismiss the firm as “all bad, bad, bad”!! It is a decent place to spend two or three years, get good practical experience post-graduation, get some training and then move on. The other option is to stick it out until you make partner. The thing NOT to do is to get stuck in the middle as a fat-and-balding, soon-to-be-divorced, never-see-your-family middle manager. Of all the MC firms it is probably the worst place to be one of these types of people.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
"...half baked analysis based on partial facts and a reference to a management theory consigned to the history books." - Look around my friend, Taylorism, contrary to being consigned to the history book, as you say, is very much alive and kicking today.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Mr. Cool, you made a very good point.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Mr Cool. Just a quick check back on facts. Accenture was not linked in anyway to Anderson during the Enron phase. Accenture separated from Anderson in late 2000 changing the name on Jan 2001. Enron was in late 2001. You could say more luck than judgement but still fact.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Mr Cool
05.01.11 00:00
Patricia, Taylorism may be “around”; concepts do not cease to exist (flat-earthism still exists as a concept, but I presume you’re no longer afraid of falling off the edge of the world!). I’d be astounded if you can reference any respected tutor that still propounds Taylor’s theories as a viable model of explaining human behaviour. It was old hat when I studied it twenty years ago.The value of Taylor (and his continued inclusion in texts) is as part of a chronological mapping of the study of behaviour in the work place. It is almost always included shortly after the more basic, but historically valuable, studies such as Weber on bureaucracy and just before Maslow’s Hierarchy, which improves on Taylor by offering a model that allows for fluctuating preferences for X and Y behaviours.The beauty of continuing to include a flawed, particulalry over simplistic, explanation of something is that it almost always drives curious students to challenge the model and seek an improvement. This makes them ready to lap up the next, improved model, until they see the flaw, and so one continues until a viable explanation is arrived at.Honestly, turn the page and read about Maslow, then turn again and read about Herzberg. Between those latter two you can construct a very useful model.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Mr Cool
05.01.11 00:00
anon,Good spot - you're quite correctI remember now how smug many of the ACN partners were when Enron first broke.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Indeed - Andersen Consulting had to change its name because it surrendered rights to 'Andersen' as part of the divorce from AA, (along with some out of date methodology assets and St Charles). Much like having to hand over your dog to your ex-wife in a real divorce then discovering it had rabies all along...


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Mr Cool,Taylor, Maslow, Herzberg... sounds like you're fresh out of an MSc in Management, or maybe CIMA. Are you?I will just allow myself to engage in some pedantry and point out that you mentioned the X/Y behaviour theory twice, associating different authors both times, and neither is the correct one (sorry - I hate myself)


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Oh Dear, Mr. Cool, I wish I could live in the world you live in. Or, perhaps, YOU just need to wake up.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Mr Cool
05.01.11 00:00
ABC,Oh dear, just prising the bullet out of my foot! It hurts twice as much when you shoot yourself while on a high horse! LOL.X/Y is of course McGregor. Taylor was scientific management. Notwithstanding the schoolboy error, comments on X/Y theory stand (author attribution aside).No, I'm not CIMA or fresh from an MsC, but I do feel quite a few of those management behaviour theories can be useful insights. Just think how many MC's come on this forum to express unhappiness at work and then list all the things that are keeping them in their post. Invariably they are mainly hygene factors.Anyway - point of the post was to try and provide a more useful balanced view of ACN! Serves me right for geting riled by the half-baked chip on the shoulder "acn are all losers! posts.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
05.01.11 00:00
Well, girls and boys, thank you all for your contributions. Pretty long discussion which only Accenture seems to invite. If it were any other MC, I presume more people would be in agreement. Anyhow, I think I will pass on their offer. The more people I speak to, the less encouraging comments I hear and I am beginning to think I am really not the type for this company. I'm sure other offers will come by. I am not in dying need of cash nor am I ready to suck up to partners or anyone higher up in the hierarchy, if I am not getting some valuable in return. Thank you all again, and others are invited to share their opinions as well :) xxxx


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
Well done Mr Cool. I was half worried you'd be the kind of person who'd come back with a 5-paragraph essay defending your error in justification of why X/Y could be attributed to Taylor.Probably more sad than the fact that you've a bullet in your foot is the fact I could spot the error (thanks CIMA).In any case, for what it's worth, I share your opinion in the above interchange. Taylor represents an extreme position on a continuum along which all management styles fall, but in this day & age, few in the developed World would be expected to flaunt it. Turn to large-scale rural factories in China, and I'm sure it's a different story. But we're talking about Accenture here. Let's get real.Sorry for prolonging the divergence from the subject.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
Places like McDonalds, Starbucks, fine examples of successful American corporations, bear signs of full on Taylorism, and there are plenty more of those with discreet or camouflaged Taylorism, covered up with fancy HR policies. Noone dares to flaunt it, or even mention it, but the backbone of all HR policies in majority of corporations is, like it or not, good old Taylor. Exceptions exist, of course.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
If you're the kind of guy or gal who lets anonymous internet forum dwellers make long term/life decisions for you, then MC may not be for you.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
anon basher
06.01.11 00:00
So what kind of person do you think reads and contributes to forums whose view they don't value?


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
Alex, good point, to an extent.Taylorism was about more than the view that people are only motivated by monetary reward - it also proposed the identification and imposition of "one best way of working". That is very evident in the shops of McD, Stbks, etc. (apparently in McD they're told exactly how many slices of tomato to put in your burger). However, the evolution of Mgt Theory didn't expand as much on that element, as the motivational part. And regarding that, most of the employees we see in said establishments are minimum wage temporary/part-time workers, so they are largely irrelevant to mgt theory. In any case, like factories in CN, they are very irrelevant to ACN.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Mr Cool
06.01.11 00:00
ABC/Alex – wow, a danger of having two good discussions in one thread here! I would see an inheritance of Taylor’s scientific approach being evident in things like Lean and Six Sigma (one best way, avoidance of waste, use of scientific measurement etc), BUT – the firms that pioneered these techniques (e.g. Toyota) don’t rely on them for motivation. They recognise that there may be one best way to carry out a task, but that there is not one best way to motivate all employees.I like this recognition, and it’s one of the reasons I still like to keep Herzberg in mind. To me having an efficient way of doing things at work, and the pride associated with it is a hygene factor, not a motivator. People complain about inefficiency and waste at work because they feel it devalues their participation, but few people would be motivated in the long term just by knowing they were being mechanically efficient.To be fair to McD’s – I think they know this and that’s why (laughable as it may be to all us super-smart triple MBA alpha-types) they have their motivation for staff wrapped up in the MacUniversity and the progression of little golden stars on badges, etc. They need their staff to be ultra-efficient because their product is a mass market low cost one, but they know that even minimum wage part-time staff need a bit more than the breaking the burgers-served-per-hour record to make them feel good about themselves.I also find this in my main field – retail banking – where branch back office operations are leaned and six-sigma’d endlessly, but staff motivation and employee brand are all based on professional advice to customers, involvement in the local community, professional training and development, grade progression, variety of career progression, etc.Much as I dislike Tom Peter’s In Search Of Excellence, he did have one good contribution – recognition that while most people are not simply Theory X types, there are many people who get the majority of the self-actualisation from outside of work. The challenge to us intellectuals is…does motivational theory apply to min wage factory work or is just us educated, career types?


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
(I feel less guilty about invading this thread as it seems the ACN theme has been dealt with)Mr Cool. It's a good Q. I firmly believe non-monetary motivation always "works", in the sense that we are all humans, and can but respond positively to a smile, a pat on the back, and being told we're doing a great job, whether we're a MC Associate or a chicken plucker in a third-world factory.However, surely, the extent to which it works diminishes the further you move towards the mechanical "clock in - work - clock out - get paid" jobs, to the point where it becomes inefficient, i.e. in the time it would take to get ppl in the hypothecical factory together to tell them they're valued and doing a great job, they could pluck 1000 chickens, whereas their resulting increase in committment and well-being would make them pluck an extra 500 chickens => inefficient. Because, and this is something even the most "people friendly" theorists will admit, all are just alternative paths up the same, making more profit, mountain.PS: Just a quick spell check on your recurring "hygene" error - I really do hate myself


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#0 RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
I personally think rational facts speak louder than emotional tirades.... Here's my view (as someone who knows inside out but has not only worked at ACN).It's a global firm with over 211k people - it must be right for someWork is hard - end of. No matter where you work. Thats life. At Accenture - It's all about clients and if you look after that side of the equation then the work is interesting, challenging and motivating. If you don't then you have to ask yourself WHY are you in a client service business at all?It's not about work life balance - it's all about life balance and I will say 2 things- it's YOUR responsibility to manage that and no one elses. If you get it wrong, YOU have got it wrong. Fix it.Secondly, if you manage it well the environment is totally supportive. I've been there from analyst upwards. Never ever been an issue ( even for someone like me who is not a toff, from a poly and plays as hard as I work. Some growing up needs to be done with regard to what real life is all about. Cliche as it is - you get out what you put in. They dont work you harder than anyone else. Yes, they have very high expectations and that is a good thing surely. The company has doubled in size in last 10 years. Careers develop well there if you put in effort and salaries go up and work and responsibility grows.Too much moaning around.... If you are bright, responsible, want to get on and learn, don't skyve, work well with people and give a damn then it's a great place to work. Whether it be forna year or a career it's greatbon the CV, respected and shows you've got something. If your tried and it didn't work, then that's an equal lesson in life....Hope folk work to facts not fiction...


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#0 RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
06.01.11 00:00
JustMyView, with respect, you are equally as guilty of what you bemoan. In fact you are more guilty, as you take opinion/emotion and present it as fact. Nobody else did that. The only thing in your post that could be put down to fact is the size of ACN.Work is hard - opinionThat's life - maybe your lifeLook after clients & work is interesting - opinionwork/life balance is your responsibility - tell that to the boss I used to have who would give me 4 hrs work at 8pm, to be in his inbox 1st thing the following morning.supportive environment - opinionthey don't work you harder than anyone else - unless you've worked at every MC firm, you're in no position to make that statementACN is a great place to work - opinionACN looks great on your CV - opinion... you get the picture.


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#0 RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
Chris Crocker
06.01.11 00:00
Actually, I think emotional outbursts speak louder than facts.Yours sincerely,Chris Crocker.<img src=""> </img>


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Mr cool
06.01.11 00:00
Hi Jean,I have to admit, my spelling is shocking when I type - constantly making arrows that would not occur in handwriting.Probably cos I&apos;m also a fairly offal typist. (heart&apos;s not in it)


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
07.01.11 00:00
This single thread is enough to highlight the bitterness of so many out there - People want money, seek out roles in competitive environments but then bitch about long hours, crappy work and a$$ kissing.As JustMyView has stated - All Consulting companies have their ups and downs. Is there any solid evidence to state ACN is the worst of the lot? If no then all what people state here negatively are mere opinions too.ACN does pay better than quite a few places, may not be the highest but they still pay decent wages, ACN does have very good training programs, may not be the best but still damn good compared to many other places, there are really interesting projects one can work on in ACN and there are some boring ones but this does not only happen at ACN and if you have it in you, then you can definitely grow and make a career at any organization including ACNAnyone can give excuses and I guess most the moaners out here are just doing that. No matter how much people crib and cry out here, ACN, like many other businesses, has its ups and downs but it also has a decent name in the consulting world, given more so in IT, which is why people still join ACN and go on to have a decent life and make decent money. Those who dont make the cut, or made the cut but dint fit continue to come here and moan about it...tsk tsk.....Aces


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08.01.11 00:00
The biggest problem with young people joining Accenture is the predominant culture in that company. Soon, while they are still young, they will come to hate their jobs, their careers and eventually themselves and will be burnt out to the extent that by their late 20&apos;s - early 30&apos;s, when they should be most productive, they will start thinking about leaving it all behind and begin their soul searching, doing something more "relevant", and they will sound more like people in their 50&apos;s or 60&apos;s.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Accenture-undecided!
10.01.11 00:00
Gee, the world according to Patricia.EVERYONE at Accenture will hate itPeople in their 20’s and 30’s are most productivePeople in their 50’s and 60’s are forever soul searching.C’mon Pat, tell us more about why you have such a chip on your shoulder about Accenture. Did you apply once and get rejected? Perhaps you worked for an Accenture client and got sidelined by their project team? Or was there a dishy young Accenture boy that didn’t phone you like he promised he would?


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