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cost to live in london

forum comment
#0 cost to live in london
not from uk
06.01.11 00:00
i from bratislava, have got an offer from a mc company in london to joing as sr consultant with base salary = 62500 pounds, car allowance = 3000 pounds and bonus = 1500 pounds, i have family with not working wife and one small girl ( 6 yrs old ). can i survive is such salary , will be there some saving, my office is on liverpool street...all help is good, me thanks all for your suggestions


forum comment
#0 RE: cost to live in london
Hey hey
06.01.11 00:00
62500 if you were a single guy would be fine. However, a single salary for three of you, it might be a little hard to get by in central London. It all depends on what you expect and what kind of lifestyle you are accustomed to. Rent alone for three of you might cost you around 2500/month, minimum. I say minimum, depending how close you want to live to work and what kind of luxury you want to have. Places around Liverpool street are very expensive (I live in the area), so be prepared to be shocked by London rents. Since you have a car, you can live further away from Liverpool street, hence less expensive, but driving into central London every day might be time consuming. I doubt you will be able to save any money, but three of you will probably be able to get by. As I said, it depends on what you expect. Good luck and congratulations on your offer.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
Further away from central London you live the further your money will stretch. Liverpool Street is easily accessible by tube or train. Of course you may be based on client site anyway.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: cost to live in london
Evil Consultant
06.01.11 00:00
Not from UK,Well done on the new job.£62.5k is enough to live on in London, even with a wife and little one to support, but you will have to be smart about where you live because rent in London is horrific (as has been pointed out above.) Forget central London and ignore the well-known areas like Clapham, Balham etc... and it shouldn't be too hard fine a nice two-bed flat with a rent of £1k or less out in zones 2 or 3.Other than that, you may be better off to get rid of the car unless you really need it, as they're a total waste of time for travelling in London. They cost a fortune to run, are a pain in the ar5e to park and can get nicked.NB - I'm assuming that your wife doesn't work and will look after your little girl during the week. Childcare in the UK costs a fortune even outside of London.Good luck.EC


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
1. you will be fine2. there is probably very little need to live in central London close to your home office. the likelihood that you will work a significant enough amount of time in that office to warrant the cost of living centrally is not very high. I don't live centrally and work at Warren Street, I earn 65000, have a stay at home wife/mom and 3 year old. we still get to save money and live quite comfortably. 3. your biggest cost will be accommodation. you need to think about what you want in accommodation, then it will easier to point to the right areas to live and then you can see how much it costs.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
Nice to know Gordon Brown's "British Jobs for British Workers" policy is thriving. Not that he's PM any more.I guess this guy is going to be Bratslavia's equivalent of a billionaire when he goes back home and takes all of his GBP with him.No wonder this country's got no money left. We keep employing people from other countries who then go home and take it all with them. Whilst sucking up expensive resources such as school places that are supposed to be paid for out of a lifetime of tax contributions, not just a few years worth on a sort of 'pay as you go' type basis. I know we live in a global economy, an EU free trade area and all that, but is there not one single person a little closer to home (e.g. one that speaks English properly) who has the relevant skills and could have filled this role instead? But despite that, I wish you well. You will be earning almost triple the national average salary, so you will be fine. If you can't effortlessly survive in the UK on what is touching £70K/year, you have problems - and they're not financial ones.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
what about all the British expats all over the world? Usually thez speak only one language..unfortunately not with an Oxford accent!


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
Yeah, usually they go abroad and take tons of money out of the UK with them too (pension fund, etc).


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
Presumably the recruitment process at the MC firm was fair to all applicants - and they selected the right person for the right role. In this case, I would not worry yourself whether a person as good as this guy could have been found closer to home, as it's a matter for the firm - and only the firm.With a good salary of nearly 70K, this guy will more than pay his way - and I doubt he will be expecting any help from the government. It's no argument to deny someone work in a new country on the basis that a lifetime's of tax contributions have not been earned. He will, no doubt, have paid tax in Bratislava - so he has done his bit for the national economy, albeit not the UK.The argument of going back to Bratislava a billionaire is also pretty tired - it does not sound as if this guy is planning to send his salary back home - rather he will have his hands full paying into the UK economy in terms of rent, transport, tax, food - contributing all the way.British jobs for British workers is an argument best made for blue-collar professions - where manual labour is easily imported from aborad, pushing the average wages down. It's less relevant for highly skilled professions such as medicine, and consulting.Your post sounds more relevant in the manifesto of the BNP than the output of a MC with a truly global perspective.


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
06.01.11 00:00
I know this is getting slightly off-topic, but in response to the previous post I would suggest that the op, on 65k will be contributing waaaaaay more than than he consumes from the public pot. He will no longer get child tax credit, get less subsidy for his rail commute, pay full council taxes, and in all probability consume very little from the NHS. And just to add a few other salient points: - If Britts weren't such whingers and lazy sods they'd bother making the effort to get a decent education and experience and win these jobs. - I would rather have the OP here than all those British pensioners currently draining the health services on the costa del sol. - The reason why London has become such a dominant centre of economic activity (especially in FS) is its critical mass in terms of talented workforce. Its success attracts further talent, which continues the cycle. And FS alone (not taking into account all the peripheral business actvities that get drawn to London as a result - law, accounting, insurance, etc.) contributed an estimated £53.4 billion to UK government taxes in the 2009/10 financial year, accounting for 11.2% of the total UK tax take.So why don't you evaluate immigration from the point of view of its contribution to your overall wellbeing instead of looking at it through the lens of jealousy. In the interest of full disclosure I'm also an EU immigrant.


forum comment
#0 RE: cost to live in london
07.01.11 00:00
Hey Not from UKWell done on the job. First of all, you should be fine. What I'd recommend is to take the car allowance as cash - with £65K a year, you'll be pulling in about £3700 a month after tax and national insurance. Liverpool St is easy to get to with the tube so I wouldn't bother with a car, except maybe if your wife needs it. You shouldn't live in Central London with a small child anyway - recommend somewhere in Zone 2 or 3 on or near the Northern Line - Wandswoth Common, Clapham or Balham or Tooting Bed (not Tooting Boradway - its rough). You'll get a nice 2 bed flat there for about £1000 - 1500pm - its alot but you'll be able to manage. Tube pass for Z3 is about £130 a month but your work will prob organise a season ticket loan for the yearly ticket as one of your benefits. Good luck - PS most (good) management consultancy firms employ loads of international staff so ignore the vile comments from some of these posts. Bitter much?


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: cost to live in london
07.01.11 00:00
Well done on the offer. You don't have to spend the £3000 car allowance on a car by the way!You don't want to live South of the river by the way, it's wrong


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
not from uk
08.01.11 00:00
So many angry response to my post, i would tell all british people please see the british money invested in slovakia, britain always talk of free market economy, it not a one way street, when i work and live in london i pay all tax like anyone else, my mc hiring manager tell me that they look from my speciality skills (hydro aluminium mfg ) for 4 months and not find good profiles, that the reason they hire me, also i not save much money so how i send money to my home? i hear london is very very international and people from all world come and live there.....i am hard workig and law follwing person, why so angry at me ? I never angry with british peoples coming and owkring in slovakia......for all other peoples who help me ..i say thank you


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
08.01.11 00:00
Now let all you angry critics come out and confirm whether you have expertise in "Hydro Aluminium mfg".


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
08.01.11 00:00
As a guy born in Hungary working for a top MC I have *never* had issues about my background. So don't let a narrow-minded idiot put you off.Personally, I would prefer my doctor to be the best possible, rather than the most local, and our companies to be run in the most efficient way, creating the maximum number of jobs. There is no great incentive for a highly skilled consultancy to discriminate against home-grown talent. The real truth is that our education sytem needs to improve and prepare more young people for the professional services.63k is a lot of money. Whilst life won't be easy, and I support the suggestion that you should look to commute into Liverpool Street from Zone 3 and beyond (also, it will be a far safer area to bring children up in), earning 3x the average salary will mean you will still live far better than the vast majority of other people - if you spend the money wisely.Good luck!


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: cost to live in london
08.01.11 00:00
I'm staggered at the amount of people who think it is going to be difficult to live on 65K - what planet do you live on? 65K is a great salary even by London standards.Not sure why it would be important to live near Liverpool St anyway, since as a consultant he is likely to be spending a significant amount of time on client sites.Also worth pointing out that Liverpool Street mainline station is easily reached from a lot of commuter towns outside London, so need to live in the capital at all. I wouldn't want to make a child live in London.


forum comment
#0 RE: cost to live in london
21.08.12 00:00
If you are struggling to find where to live try Hoodpoints, a new neighbourhood reviewing website.[url][/url]


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