Presumably the recruitment process at the MC firm was fair to all applicants - and they selected the right person for the right role. In this case, I would not worry yourself whether a person as good as this guy could have been found closer to home, as it's a matter for the firm - and only the firm.With a good salary of nearly 70K, this guy will more than pay his way - and I doubt he will be expecting any help from the government. It's no argument to deny someone work in a new country on the basis that a lifetime's of tax contributions have not been earned. He will, no doubt, have paid tax in Bratislava - so he has done his bit for the national economy, albeit not the UK.The argument of going back to Bratislava a billionaire is also pretty tired - it does not sound as if this guy is planning to send his salary back home - rather he will have his hands full paying into the UK economy in terms of rent, transport, tax, food - contributing all the way.British jobs for British workers is an argument best made for blue-collar professions - where manual labour is easily imported from aborad, pushing the average wages down. It's less relevant for highly skilled professions such as medicine, and consulting.Your post sounds more relevant in the manifesto of the BNP than the output of a MC with a truly global perspective.