Happy new year everyone, I am at a bit of a career crossroads after a successful few years and was hoping to get some advice as to how to work out what the next step for me should be. In summary, I am now a senior manager at a Big 4 Transaction Services outfit after three years at another Big 4 consultancy and two years as a manager at my current place of work. I have enjoyed quick promotion, and although I am happy with my progress (I am 28), I do not see myself staying in consulting for the long term.Being single and with no mortgage I would be prepared to take a short term hit in salary if I moved into a new line of work if I saw more of a long term future in it and was therefore hoping for some advice as to where I might go to hopefully explore alternative career options with someone in the know (rather than a bonus driven headhunter / recruiter).Has anyone used career coaches / mentors or something similar that they would recommend? In essence I would like to discuss potential industry and banking options etc... to try and work out whether I would enjoy various roles and potential industry career paths etc...Any advice appreciated, ThanksCC