Hi all, I hope someone could provide me with some thoughts and suggestions as a sense check and because I am stuck in a bit of a hole.I work in the business intelligence area for one of the big 4. Having started as a graduate in generalist consulting, I eventually realised my interest lay more in the BI area, and moved around a year ago. I really enjoyed working in BI and felt happy that I was building a skill and my career had some direction. The firm has now asked me (I had no choice really) to work in a generalist consulting area again on a long project. I have discussed with my line manager on this project who said that this is just part of the deal working for a consulting firm, says it is a good opportunity - it may be in the very long term.From my point of view I want to stick to the choice I made to work in the BI area - and I feel like I have a good perspective to decide this as I spent a couple of years in generalist consulting. I also feel that I am happier/more productive as I am working on something I enjoy and will therefore do better. The problem is that I will not make many friends trying to go against the firm.Any thoughts or suggestions? Have I got this totally wrong?