Yup. What sort of hours are you working?I really want to say "just leave the office earlier" but I know it's not so easy in some environments. Tell us what it is that you find stressful?For me, years ago, what I found stressful was being surrounded by people who were so so slow at everything they did and feeling that constant pressure to do exceptional work and be absolutely perfect at everything, there was just no sense of sustainability in it whatsoever.I've seen people typing away on their laptop at 10pm, except the whole office is doing internet shopping and sending personal emails. People disappearing for "meetings" at 7pm, except they're filling in time by getting down to the gym. Ive experienced keyfob controlled doors and the knowledge that someone somewhere in the firm is keeping an eye on what time you check out every day and how long you spend on the 6th floor where the showers and lockers are (tranquil little haven that it is). Being on the bench for a month but still being expected to stay in the office until 9pm each day. Having to look like you're working flat out - ALL the time. Having a desk that faces a wall and people constantly walking behind you. Drinks trolleys at 7pm on a Friday, just in case you plan on making an escape. Appraisals being done every 3 months, lest you get too cosy in a routine. Dreading your next call from HR, lest you get posted on a project a million miles away from home. Panicking because the partner in charge wants to meet the project team at 3pm on a Friday (say goodbye to the weekend again). Watching client staff go home at 4.55pm in the knowledge that you still have another 7 hours left to work. Spending 20 mins taking a dump and thinking of it being a bit like a holiday. Hearing about your senior colleagues buying their new £60,000 Porsche or 3rd home while breaking into your savings just to get the boiler serviced in your crummy little dingey hovel of a flat. Not knowing whether you'll be "upped and outed" this year and getting IBS as a result. Being "mentored" or "supervised" by someone 2 years older than yourself, who takes it all very very seriously. Wearing a suit and tie for 14 hours a day when everyone outside is wearing normal clothes. Working in a bland office with literally no visual stimulation. Eating overpriced sandwiches every day at your desk. Not really ever knowing who your boss is. Being worked into the ground by the client. Feeling that you're missing out on life.You're not the only one that's been there.Be detailed and descriptive in your reply, we might be able to help.