A question as to whether i should stay or seek employment elsewhere.My situation is that i am currently working for a government unit that provides me stability, flexibility and ,perhaps suprisingly, a very competitve salary. The downside is that, being government, there is not much room for career growth ( promotions etc).My wife, on the other hand, is in exactly the opposite situation: she works for a respected consulting outfit and has the career progression, but her salary is almost half of mine and her company recently instituted the dreaded 'up- or-out' policy.The issue is that i am actually quite gung-ho in my career and need to progress and take risks. I cant see that happening in a govt outfit. Should i move? i continually tell myself to NOT move because there is quite a bit of uncertainty in my life at the moment ( residence, location, mortgage etc), and the stability, flexibility, good boss/team and salary that i currently enjoy help me immensely manage that uncertainty. However, i have been in the situation for a while now and dont see any quick ways to reduce uncertainties , thus am pondering if to chance my arm elsewhere.