recently joined a BIG 4 as MGR, now deputised on client site.One of client technical staff is a part of my project team, he doesn't respond to my e-mails and when I go to his desk to talk he doesn't give appropriate attention. he is not a dedicated resource to me and works in multiple projects. I am new at Client site and also new at BIG 4 ( though worked for other BIG 4 earlier as well) hence, do not want to escalate this matter with his line management as I myself is settling down at client site.I am an experienced manager and this sort of behaviour burns me in and out to the extent that I sometime want to slap the moment I am pretending I have thick skin and doing whatever works for him to deliver however, is this how these sort of bloody people needs to be managed?I am finding myself in a difficult situation considering I am new at BIG4 and New at client!!