Anyone got any good stories of sycophants in the office? People who suck up and brown nose no matter what?Here is my contribution:During my first job, we were all assigned 'mentors' within the company. Usually, the 'mentor' was only usually a year or two older than you and hence had virtually nothing you could learn from. Anyhow, my "mentor" shared one gem with me, loudly and in plan view of most of the office. She said, "The reason they call some Partners an OIC (Officer In Charge) is because it stands for 'Oh, I See!' which is what people usually say after talking to them".She then later went on to talk about one of the Partners (a really nasty, vindictive b*stard) who she said, loudly and clearly, had a "brain the size of a planet". Now he did have a huge forehead, but I don't think that's what she meant. Ass kisser.Oh man.