She tried launch a solo career when her popularity was entering the Decline stage of its Life Cycle. Band's like G Aloud appeal to the 11-17 yr-old age group of the moment, and as these grow up, alas, their fan base fades away.Nadine Coyle is a Cash Cow at best, quickly becoming a Dog. No unique selling points, not even as talented and attractive as many of her competitors, and trying to launch a career at a time when teenagers are beginning to appreciate real music (I'm thinking about the large teenage fan base for groups like Mumford & Sons).Advice to Nadine:Cause some commotion in national press, based on your personal life: relationships, drug problem, pose naked for FHM, reveal you were once a dude, etc. Keep your name in the press until you find a good song. Launch one more single. Go become a judge on Northern Ireland's Got Talent, or something of the like.