Crap advice above, both posts. If you base your strategy on responding to adverts, you'll be wasting your time, the jobs already gone mate.The best candidates come to me via:1. Sitting down and working out exactly what you want to do (based on what you CAN do of course)2. Write a compelling two page CV that highlights why you have chosen your path and a sample of successes therein.3. Research the companies/practices that use skills like yours, find a senior contact in each.4. Reach out to that person via email, its fine to do that now, telling them that you would be keen to get involved with ABC plc blah blah and would like to speak them personally about their own experiences and needs.5. If they send you to HR you have failed. Fact.You make it interesting, they will be interested.Absolutely forget going through websites you stand no chance. That's nothing to do with you or your abilities, just that your CV is read by CHUFF NUTS in the first place who have half your ambition, a quarter of your intelligence and no perceptive skill whatsoever. They cannot be trusted with your future.If you want a job, invent it and sell it.What?