I would apreciate your insights into a dilemma I have, specifically whether to enter the consulting market as a contractor. I have 7 years experience gained in Corp Finance / Strategy Consulting and recently operations.I am currently in management, total package w/o bonus is 90k. Several friends have gone into contracting, and those that can ensure to have a decent utilisation rate, earn double my wage with the upside of having a flexible calendar to travel, usually working less hours, and have a variety of projects that they can chose from.However, many people warn me that I will stagnate as a contractor, and will find it difficult to resell my experience coming back into industry / consulting later on.I am 28 - and feel that if I want to do it for 2/3 years, now is the time. Can anyone shed some light or discuss thier experience? Would be greatly appreciated.Thanks in advanceEd