Hi guysThough I'd post something to share a smile.I'm just about to re-enter management consulting after a few years in industry, and my dear industry colleagues are winding me up about going back over to 'the dark side'. They've sent me many management consulting jokes. Below are a couple. Anyone got others they want to share?Q: How many management consultants does it take to change a lightbulb?A: depends...whats your budget?A man (M) walks into a pet shop to buy a monkey. He sees one and asks the pet shop owner (O)M: How much is that monkey in the corner?O: ah - he's £120 sir.M: £120!!!! Thats a lot for a monkey.O: Ah but you see sir, this monkey can dance and play the piano.M: Wow! thats impressive. ok then - how much is that monkey over there?O: Sir that monkey is £400. M: £400!!! Why is he so expensive?!O: Well you see sir, that particular monkey can translate 13 different languages and can make cocktails.M: oh I see....that is pretty impressive. well...what about that monkey over there in the corner?O: sir that monkey is £4000.M: £4000??!!!! Why so expensive? What does he do?O: well sir....I havent seen him actually do anything...but he calls himself a consultant....