Hiya peeps!OK, here's the deal.I'm sh1t hot at music production. It's a passionate hobby of mine. If I weren't a little consulting pleb earning £55K a year to pay the bills on my crappy 2 bed central london flat, I would be producing tracks for Girls Aloud. Yeah, I'm that good. LOLs.And I wanna prove it to you!So, here's the deal. First, you gotta recognise that my skill is in music production. Give me a song, and I'll make a sh1t hot track to go with it. But I'm not a song writer. Those of you who are musically inclined will hopefully appreciate the difference. Writing a song isn't just about Katie Price putting her latest musings down on paper and then a producer putting a track to it. No, song writers have to have a melody or rhythm in mind to go with the song. Otherwise it's just prose or a poem.Anyway, if you can help me with a song and lyrics, I can produce a sh1t hot track for it.I'd like my song to be about consulting. Something to do with arrogant young ACN types living the high life in the city. Yuppies, cash and power. Style over substance. That kind of thing.If you would like to sing the song and have it included on the track, then that's fine too. Don't worry about whether or not you can sing, most "artists" these day's can't. I got autotune and can mash things up to make it sound good, even if you sound like Sir Bernard Ingham.I can do pop/dance but would like this track to be a Eurodance style one, such as along the lines of Westbam's United States of Love http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTDu3NbTBjM&feature=related Or we could make it like Boten Anna (basshunter) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SR2qOFdHitI&feature=fvst Basically I want it to tell a story so it's gotta have a flowing melody and lyrics that aren't too repetitive. Needs a good chorus.So, propose some lyrics please guys!