wow, where to start?OP: "home office" is your closest geographical office, obviously, so if accenture (or any other firm) chooses to hire someone then that person should not expect the firm to pay for their commute to the home office unless it was agreed in the employment contract. If you do claim it and aren't caught, fine, but... why risk it? Seriously, for train money you'd risk getting disciplined? There are other ways to fiddle expenses you know...Anons: client travel policies vary. as it happens on my client we negotiated the option to stay in hotels if the commute exceeds 90 minutes door to door, even though it's London based. Hint: I'm not in FS or public services, who would probably spit their champagne in your face laughing for suggesting such a thing.Dave: LOL, my carbon footprint is probably the size of bigfoot's by now! Yes we clog up the trains but who would you rather be nose-to-armpit with - a sweet-smelling consultant, a dodgy student, or a "horizontally-gifted" American tourist?