I have a further update on my experience with First Step Consulting. Overall, I had a very positive experience, and feel more confident about my intended career change. I was the only person on the team with a life sciences background, and my expertise and insight proved to be valuable during the engagement. Many scientists hesitate at giving up their years of experience when changing careers, and worry that it is only their brains that are being valuable.I'm currently applying to many of the big firms in London, and feel that the experience has given me a great story to tell during the interview. I hope that it will bolster my CV a bit, at least in that it demonstrates commitment to the change in career direction, rather than being a random turn. Lastly, I want to point out that FSC is currently recruiting for its next cycle of projects. Applications should be submitted by the end of this week, and projects will start around the end of October. There will be a variety of projects, and most of the team members will be current students at various London universities, studying a wide degree of fields, at bachelors, masters, and PhD level.I hope this last promotional part of the post is allowed. If not, I'll happily remove it. I know that another forum reader participated in the last cycle after having read my previous post.