I can't believe Coolio + BEP are on this thread and still the poor gentleman has not got a proper answer to his original question...Please see below, for the "official" and "unofficial" way these things are done in MCs1o) Have you delivered on time and on budget what was assigned to you plus other bits1un) Is your Line Manager happy? Did you help him look good to his boss. Oh, did you do the important bits he asked like a pretty ppt on the Friday night2o) You carried out work that has helped the MC move forward or benefit2un) Did a Partner notice what you did? Who did? Who genuinely cares about it? Anyone? Were you able to take any of the kudos or has a more senior consultant put it down as his work with you doing a bit here and there?3o) You helped bring additional MCs onto client site3un) To be fair, this one really does help. This is an excellent way to help your £££4un) Network, politics. Who cares if you are not happy with your grade and bonus, does it really matter if you leave? Which Partner is going to stand up for you in the infamous grades allocation meeting. If you are just a doer with a mid level manager that likes you, look forward to a below inflation rise and a bonus to buy a Pret sandwich. If a Partner has taken a shine, well hello new car and extra holiday.I look forward to being corrected by Coolio and BEP