Long time listener, first time caller. Some of the advice on this forum has been very well informed and thoughtful in the past so...does anyone know much about the cleantech, climate change and sustainability consulting scene in London?Some context: I've been working for an in-house strategy team and have specialized in CO2 abatement in relation to major capex decisions. I'm now looking for slightly broader experience with a range of clients.I have 3-4 contacts at MBB but none have given me definitive answers as it's a bit outside of their industry experience.My questions are as follows:1. I understand McK run a 'special initiative' for climate change projects in which consultants are pulled from other practices for projects with only 4-5 dedicated senior guys running the special initiative team. Do Bain or BCG have [i]dedicated[/i] teams for this area?2. I've seen the Verdantix Green Quadrant report on the top 'green' consultancies but it doesn't distinguish between CSR, footprinting etc and actual [i]strategy[/i] work. What other consultancies are offering genuine strategic advisory in this area?3. Given that the strategic advisory market is pretty poor outside of MBB (e.g. Booz, Monitor, Berger buyouts) at present, what other opportunities could you recommend (e.g. in-house oil & gas or natural resources, cleantech start-ups)?Thanks