Hi there!I'm in the process of evaluating offers from two different smaller Consulting/SI firms. Both are for a very similar senior role as a Consulting Director/Practice Lead in business technology consulting (i.e. Art of Possibility, Strategic Planning, Road-mapping, Benefits Realisation, etc.).The firms are CGI (the Business Consulting unit, post-merger with Logica) and Atos Consulting (the former KPMG Consulting).Both roles are very interesting and similar in seniority, leadership, responsibilities, working environment, business model and - objectives (practice and role).Both offer two very different employment contracts: One is a fixed-term, followed by a permanent with the fixed term having a probation period clause (go figure, since I thought the fixed-term was the probation). The other is a traditional permanent with a probation period clause (same duration as the fixed term of the previous contract). The first is only slightly bigger in monetary value than the later, but the later has more benefits than the first during the fixed-term (they sort of even out afterwards).However, my real question is about the views out there in regards to these two firms, CGI vs Atos Consulting. Although I wouldn't mind feedback about the contract layout - specifically the fixed-term followed by a permanent one. This one is kind of new to me in this part of the world.Any views on CGI vs Atos Consulting?Thank you. I look forward to your comments, feedback and view points.