Personally, I'd focus on climbing the ladder.Benefits: faster progression, instant pay rise, avoids getting into £100k of lost income + spent money.Also, frankly I always think that IT bods with an MBA are slightly charlatan-ish. I go to many events where I sadly get to interact or, even worse, have to listen to IT bods with MBAs talk about "business issues" and it is usually cringeworthy to say the least. The problem is, despite the MBA, such people are often very weak thinkers. They merely remember tools like tr "Boston matrix" or suchlike and then regurgitate it at every possible opportunity. They usually don't actually "apply" their skills or knowledge, adapting tools they have learnt to the specific context. This happens so frequently that, frankly, I for one now find it difficult to take seriously and IT bod with an MBA.So, if I were you, I would focus on building on your (excellent) experience and focus your efforts in climbing the ladder fast by way of external placements (getting promoted in the same company usually takes too long and sometimes you need to shake off baggage anyhow).