Hi Newgradrookie,I was in a similar situation to you when I graduated from my Undergraduate Degree in 2009, albeit I had not applied for graduate schemes as I was left high and dry by one of the service branches I had secured an officer training post with, for medical reasons. Either way, I had nothing expect my degree and A levels of ABB.What I did:- Took any job I could get (initially).- Decided to go travelling, saved like crazy and went around the world.- Used whatever network I had to arrange work placements/experience (Family, Friends, University lecturers, literally anyone in your current network).- One of these placements actually led to me landing work in the middle east as contractor for a few months, you never know where things will lead!.- Decided very early after graduating that I would take a year out before starting an MSc. I vetted the MSc topic and University very carefully to ensure it offered maximum value to an employer. Chose something much more technically focused than my BA in History and accredited by professional bodies.- Started the MSc, and straight away began applying for graduate positions, although in a very focused manner, doing lots of research on the companies/industries and taking lots of time to ensure my applications were top notch. (Basically all the things you should be doing in the last year of your Undergrad)- I found that with my travelling, middle east experience and MSc, I was basically getting invited to interview for every company I applied for (despite having medicorce/good A-levels and a 2.1 in History)- Had a job offer for an industry Graduate Scheme before Christmas that year, did it for 18 months then made the move into consulting at the grade above graduate.Good luck, don't be discouraged, you can still set yourself apart if you put the effort in, although it will require a lot more effort than someone with AAA and who went to a top ten Uni.