Question: i have a friend who has worked in a big 4 for 2 years. She is very frustrated working there mainly because others are getting promotions purley based on sleeping with the right people ( you know what i mean).Now, this in itself does not peeve her off; people are justified to as they please as long as its not illegal. What really gets her is that those managers getting favours are dumping all the work on her and giving very generous conditions ( leave at 4:30 pm etc, whilst she works until 7pm- doing their work) to those on the team that are performing extracurricular services to the boss. Thus, this is impacting her and she wants out. Should she quit? This is something that has not just happened once, she inform me, and is systemic culture of the firm.I suggest that because she has done 2 yrs, she should walk but not goto another big 4, but rather try industry firms.