Background: similar 2.1 Oxbridge, now analyst at a top strategy firm.Thoughts:- Unfortunately, Cambridge alone has 18k students many of whom have foreign languages. Top strat houses have 100s of consultants and just dozens of junior recruits a year.- Therefore, whilst many of my colleagues are Oxbridge, given that we have so many Oxbridge applicants for any one place, being Oxbridge is not enough. Also, we get applications from top international schools (e.g. Harvard, Yales, etc...)- I do not know anything about your application, but...- Did you emphasise extracurrcicular activities? Passion for consulting? Commitment to lifelong development? Peer leadership? These may seem like buzz words but, given that so many CVs have the 'Oxbridge' title, something needs to set your CV apart- Even something as small as a mistake in your CV or cover letter, or a misunderstanding about our work could get your application rejected. Reading thousands of applications is no fun.- To be totally frank, the last few years have not been great in consulting! You may have been up against a larger field than normal- Finally, as a counterweight to rationalising this, you may have just been unlucky. Amongst my friends plenty of people were accepted for McKinsey and rejected from Oliver Wyman and vice-versa. There is no objective standard and quite a bit of 'gut feel' in recruitment - particularly when picking from 1000s of identical CVs. I cannot imagine that a few people do not slip through the process each yearHope this helps.