Seriously chaps (and chappesses), This shouldn't really be a thread on here when there are more important things to discuss; potentially more specific to the audience of consultants and the industry perhaps? Having worked for a Big 4 consultancy, MBBB and now a bank there are consistencies in dress that are not defined by the consultancy industry, rather professional personnel in the UK of all sectors. 1) No pockets on shirts...ever. It is a dress shirt, you go to work to work, not carry things. 2) No button down collars...ever. This is an innovation that no one can really isolate the demand for. All collars stay down, they don't need a button there. 3) Double cuff, always. 4) Cufflinks need not be expensive, just a lump of smart metal that will fasten two cuffs at the bottom of a wrist. Note...not the cheap string things that were invented to hold a short together on arrival from the tailors, I specifically said metal. 5) Shoes - Oxfords or Brogues, and never brown in town. That's why the saying was said, 'never brown in town'!In terms of a point, perhaps....but subtle. Church's do an excellent range and are well worth the outlay. Remember...30 seconds, 11 impressions. Personally I like to look smart, not flash but honest and reliable. The 'Don't stitch me on fees Mr Client and I won't do a crap job' look and the 'I know how to look professional so you will pay my firm accordingly' look are always winners. To not look professional and well turned out is, in my opinion, an uphill struggle to prove your worth and justify our rates.