Hi,I'm Jamie at Mindbench, and I've been recruiting in Consulting for 6 years and counting (read: I know when a firm is wasting my & my candidates' time). I'm currently managing our TEFEN campaign and very happy to be asociated with them. For those interested in such things here is the (current) truth:TEFEN came out of the recession in good enough shape to be hiring and do indeed want MBA quality thinkers, hence the - single - 1 hour GMAT (ie MBA) test. Then you meet a UK Partner, then it's a 1 hour case study. Simple!As for their treatment of candidates I have managed a good few Consultants through their process recently and only had one case of someone being re-booked at admittedly short notice, but that happens with any and every consulting firm and candidates sometimes have to do it too. Everything else has been smooth sailing.TEFEN are not the best in the world, but don't claim to be, they also aren't a firm looking to sell massive teams into every client; they have a solid client list and those firms come back time & again. I have placed people there who are still very happy with the firm (and from good companies). They are getting the benefits of the enhanced exposure just as TEFEN promised.If you would like to discuss anything posted here you can find me through the Mindbench switchboard.PS Neither I nor Mindbench have ever sent anyone named Ian to TEFEN.