Wow. If the mail that you have received is what I think it is, then this is a serious break my friend. Most people do not know that GS in the Far East are not quite the same legal entity as in the UK and US. It is based on a franchise model which allows partners to be onboarded directly, without having to win internal promotion. As a franchise it does require that partners inject new working capital (typically between 100K and 500K depending on the area of expertise), but as there is a guaranteed return of 200% after 18 months, most people are happy to borrow funds in order to buy in. Because the promotions are external, candidacy is generated from a short list provided by retained headhunters – usually one of those with niche Far East knowledge.Seriously, I know traders and middle office people who wait for just this sort of approach for years and never get a sniff!Was the email a bit like that?