Hello All,I am in a dilemma and would seek your expert advise.I have overall 14 years of experience and have been doing contracting as IT PM from last 2 years (same client, same project) before that I worked 3 years for BIG4.In my current role I am managing an application migration project which involves off the shelf product, BIG infrastructure and massive testing of applicaton. I have budgetry responsibility of circa £8 million and a team of 25 members. So I am responsible for E2E delivery and have been doing a good job.I am finishing with my current contract and have got another contract with a different client but in the same industry and equally big client.The issue is in new contract I will be only managing 1 element of the whole project and that is Infrastrucutre. No application or testing responsibility. AND NO BUDGETERY RESPONSIBILITIES. This contract pays me £50 less then my current rate.So in summary my new contract pays me less and I will be working on 1-2 level below the level I am currently successfully operating in and no budgetery responsibilities!!what are your suggestions, shall I go ahead with this new contract considering we are apporaching year end which is not a good time to look for new contract. Moreover, I have been actively looking for new opportunties in last 3 months but the only offer I secured is this one. The client is damn good and would be a bonus for my CV however, the profile is QUITE low though money is not that BAD.Would you suggest that anything is better than nothing and if I leave this contract I might not get anything for next 3-6 months and that would not look good on my CV? and that non working period would make far bigger hole in my pocket than getting £50 a day less than current rate?How would employer look once I finish with this new 6 months contract? would I be given new roles based upon the immediate role which is going to be low profie or they would also consider my earlier proejcts in which I had far bigger responsibilties. Would they not question why did I compromise on job profile and instead of taking over £10 million proejcts I took projects which has <£500K budget and "no budgerty responsibilities"?You genuine response on this would be highly appreciated.Regardsanon