To all you supposed hot-shot MC's out there, just remember this next time you're thinking about how you're such a 'master of the universe' earning £100K a year doing process maps or whatever: Wayne Rooney earns more in just a few days than you do in a year.So, all you MBAs and high-flying, city-dwelling all-nighter Powerpoint and Marriot Hotel types out there, just remember that this tattoed, goatee beard-wearing, prostitute using scouser (nothing wrong with being a scouser btw) with no GCSE's who swears directly at his 'clients' (if you can call a bunch of football hooligans that) earns more in half a year than you will in your ENTIRE WORKING CAREER.Isn't it nice to know that people with true talent (such as being able to skillfully kick an inflated pig's bladder around a field) are the ones that are properly rewarded? After all, Wayne no-GCSE's Rooney has a skill that is much scarcer and much more in demand than anything any of you lot will ever have. That is what we call a true meritocracy.