Dear people on top-consultant,For my final assigment for college I am doing research on the future of consultation commissioned by an agency that provides consultation on IT/Telecom infrastructure.My task is to come up with new creative solutions in the form of a business model, expansion of services etc.There is no doubt that with the growth of the internet information has become more easily accessible and transparent. During my research I have come to the conclusion that this has heavily influenced the conviction of clients regarding the added value of external consultation. A lot of them regard it becoming obsolete because information can be found online, freelance consultants can be found through social media etc.I am not expecting you guys to do my homework, but a nudge in the right direction would be great. In your experience, what are the biggest adaptations you guys had to undertake? What are the biggest undertakings you guys have performed to still convince the client that you provide an added value? What are new technologies and services that you guys are using/offering to improve your position?My question is mostly aimed at the people working at a consultancy agency/company, preferably the ones that provide advice within the IT and Telecom branch, but any experience/advice sharing is appreciated.Also any recommendations regarding sources and literature would be appreciated.Your help would be greatly appreciated.Kind regards.P.S. I am situated in The Netherlands by the way and excuse the possibly faulty English.