[quote][quote]Just to clarify. VP is the level you tend to start managing, or is 'manager' in consulting speak.To aid the conversation, if there is a bias.VP level = Credit Suisse, AVP level = Deutsche.As before the remuneration is about the same. I'm trying to figure out if one bank position supersedes the other (or its case v case) and how that squares off against a SM level in Big 4. (i.e. which one is 'higher')[/quote]VP at the bank tips the balance. When you get to MD, one step up, you'll be earning more at the mid-ranking than most Big 4 Partners. Thing here is that IBD is actually very egalitarian - you almost certainly [i]will[/i] get promoted, and stay on the course you [i]will[/i] make MD. Can you say that of Partner at Big 4? As for CS or DB? CS has been and intended to, rebalance the business towards private banking, and that will inevitably lead to a smaller balance sheet for IBD. Expect some not inconsiderable downsizing. If you go to CS just now, consider it a loaner, stay put one year and move on. They'll be picking you up cheaper than you deserve. For DB, IBD is the main game - their asset management business is a bit of a side show, and that includes private. All bets even, I choose DB AVP. And for one more reason: this gives you room for one further big comp bump up, before you have to start pitching for MD. [/quote]Fantastic, really appreciate your insight here.