Another point of view on this..Aussie if you think for one moment your life will be easier in IB than ACN then think carefully - long (and I mean very long) hours are the norm in IB - partly due to the demands of superiors in an environment where hazing is ingrained into the culture and is repeated with relgious devotion by each intake passing through the sausage machine, partly because a macho culture prevails where being seen to work the long hours carries a weird sort of status. Depending on which part you go into you can expect to be worked beyond what you currently think is either reasonable, acceptable or possible. Second, finance roles are very specialised, and increasingly so - you can expect to be doing a job in finance in a few years which might not even exist, and more importantly which requires you become an expert in one element of a process at the expense of learning anything else. 100,000 people have lost their jobs in banking since 2007 or so the estimates tell us, and many of those struggle to return because their skills are simply not transferable. Great when you are in demand, but when that skill becomes redundant you will discover why bankers become so money obsessed - because they have the (professional) lifespan of a supermarket sandwich if they are in the wrong product or market and need to make enough to get out quickly.Thirdly, many bankers leave the industry for the sole reason it's a factory - albeit a well paid one - which neither develops you as an individual nor offers any opportunity to influence your environment, work or results. Same as consulting you may say, but unlike consulting this remains true until your reach some very elevated levels in banking. But - and this is a big but - the IB offer still outranks the ACN one, and not for the money, the hours, progression or anything else which is tangible. It outranks the ACN offer for the sole reason that getting into IB is still one of the most competitive offers you can achieve -getting into JPM, Deutsche or Goldman really isnt that much different than getting an offer from MBB. Just showing you can get in and hack it - and then leave - will underline to potential employers in the future just what you are capable of. That's why you should take the IB.