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Frustrated graduate

forum comment
#0 Frustrated graduate
15.05.12 00:00
I've been debating posting this on the forum for a while, but have finally decided to go ahead with this.I joined Accenture early last year and have been working in financial services for the entire period. I've had some good experience and for the most part enjoyed being here, I led a team (onshore and offshore) after 6 months on the job, and have also been able to work cross-border. I also have a year experience under my belt before I joined as a grad, working as an analyst at an FMCG. Also, I started, ran, and ultimately sold an online retail store while I was at Uni and I've also been involved in a lot of other entrepreneurial projects - I think a PART of the problem with working in such a big corporate machine is that deep down want to be running and doing my own thing.The problem has arisen now that I want to be promoted to C1 in September. I'm told by my projects that I can't because of two reasons: 1.) I didn't get a rating from my project in FY11 because I was 1 week off the 8 required for a rating. 2.) I can't be put forward as an exception to point 1 because there are too many analysts in front of me who need to be promoted first. I'm incredibly frustrated that I am stuck waiting around as an Analyst for another 12 months, but I don't want to leave if it looks like I'm a job hopper and my long-term career will suffer as a result. The problem with my current job is that I can't motivate myself to excel if I know it's going to be ignored because there are people with more "time at level".I'd be really interested to get the opinion of some of the experienced members of this forum. The main thing that has spurred this post is that a few colleagues of mine are making moves to other consultancies and IBs and taking pay rises of £15K+ (well above what I would get from moving to C1 anyway). If its really and truly going to benefit my career to stay with Accenture, I can stick out another year and go for C1 in March 2013; but if being in this environment is not going to allow me to reach my potential, I'll look to make a move as quickly as possible to an organisation that will allow me to grow - and actually be suitably recognised for it.


forum comment
#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
15.05.12 00:00
Frustrating promotion process, feel your pain. No comments - ultimately up to you.


forum comment
#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
16.05.12 00:00
[quote]I've been debating posting this on the forum for a while, but have finally decided to go ahead with this.I joined Accenture early last year and have been working in financial services for the entire period. I've had some good experience and for the most part enjoyed being here, I led a team (onshore and offshore) after 6 months on the job, and have also been able to work cross-border. I also have a year experience under my belt before I joined as a grad, working as an analyst at an FMCG. Also, I started, ran, and ultimately sold an online retail store while I was at Uni and I've also been involved in a lot of other entrepreneurial projects - I think a PART of the problem with working in such a big corporate machine is that deep down want to be running and doing my own thing.The problem has arisen now that I want to be promoted to C1 in September. I'm told by my projects that I can't because of two reasons: 1.) I didn't get a rating from my project in FY11 because I was 1 week off the 8 required for a rating. 2.) I can't be put forward as an exception to point 1 because there are too many analysts in front of me who need to be promoted first. I'm incredibly frustrated that I am stuck waiting around as an Analyst for another 12 months, but I don't want to leave if it looks like I'm a job hopper and my long-term career will suffer as a result. The problem with my current job is that I can't motivate myself to excel if I know it's going to be ignored because there are people with more "time at level".I'd be really interested to get the opinion of some of the experienced members of this forum. The main thing that has spurred this post is that a few colleagues of mine are making moves to other consultancies and IBs and taking pay rises of £15K+ (well above what I would get from moving to C1 anyway). If its really and truly going to benefit my career to stay with Accenture, I can stick out another year and go for C1 in March 2013; but if being in this environment is not going to allow me to reach my potential, I'll look to make a move as quickly as possible to an organisation that will allow me to grow - and actually be suitably recognised for it.[/quote]You've not had any project you've worked on in FY11 for more than 8 weeks who has given you a rating and is willing to support you for promotion? Not sure I fully understand...


forum comment
#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
16.05.12 00:00
FY11 for performance management ends in May 2011; I hadn't been on a project for the required 8 weeks for a rating by this time and so I wasn't given a rating to feed into FY12 (i.e. the discussions going on now).Therefore for FY12 promotion, I need to be put forward as exception with sponsorship from an SE - I've been told this isn't going to happen because there are other analysts who have been around longer, and the firm needs to promote them first.


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#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
Tony Restell (
16.05.12 00:00
I'm reading two quite distinct issues here - and I think you need to look hard at yourself and decide which one is the one that really needs to be addressed:Issue 1: you've done something entrepreneurial and been a success at it, leaving you thinking that your calling may be to set up your own business and be your own boss; ie. you're not happy because ultimately you're not doing what you want to be doing.Issue 2: you're feeling undervalued, as there isn't scope to be promoted in the timescales you feel you deserve - and your experience prior to Accenture doesn't seem to be counting for much; ie. you're not happy because you feel your career is being constrained.As someone who went into consulting to learn the ropes to pave the way for setting up their own business(es), I would put it to you that you can't improve your lot without really getting to grips with the future direction you want to take - ie. determining whether it is issue 1 or issue 2 that needs to be addressed.If you want to set up your own business, then your career progression now is basically just a title and a bit of extra cash in your pocket. It's going to have no material impact on whether you're able to set up in business for yourself in the future. I would put it to you that actually having fewer responsibilities in your career and slightly less pressure on your shoulders will leave you with more time / energy to plough into fathoming out what your future business will be. If you set yourself a timescale in which you want to leave consulting and set up for yourself, then you can focus on ensuring that during the intervening year(s) you are amassing as much of the experience and knowledge that you'll need to set up on your own. Staying put is likely to be the best option here, since a change of firm will result in you having to prove yourself all over again at a new firm - and so sap energy you could be devoting to developing your business idea.If you conclude that actually you are committed to a corporate career, then being promoted enough and ensuring you are on the remuneration fast-track becomes more of an issue - and one that you might tackle in a variety of ways. But I would put it to you that all the remedies here are likely to harm your scope to invest time in developing a fledgling business idea - and so would increase the likelihood of you consigning yourself to a corporate career.Hope this helps in your thinking.Regards,Tony Restell - Founder, [url][/url] and Co-Founder, [url][/url]


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#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
16.05.12 00:00
Tony I'm reading a third issue here i.e. im not ready to be promoted but want it anyway so I'm considering throwing my toys out of the pram. abc123 you need to settle down a little and think hard about what you REALLY want.If you want the corporate career, the stability and security it promises (althought not always delivering) then you need to settle down and play the game a little - and that includes accepting that initial your progress might not be at the pace you want. Note I didnt say deserve - because surely those who got the rating they needed, and have had to wait longer than you for promotion deserve to be ahead of you in the queue, right?IF you really want the entrepreneurial thing where you run the show, do it sooner rather than later - before you saddle yourself with all the financial commitments of later life which will make it more risky.You need to start being realistic - and honest - with yourself.


forum comment
#0 RE: Frustrated graduate
16.05.12 00:00
It's a tough one, there are plenty of firms out there who will take ex Accenture people, even at analyst level and pay them more, knowing ACN has done the hard work in terms of recruitment and training. I know a few who have thrown their toys out and ended up with Qedis and got more cash and supposedly cushier lives.Given you've not had a rating I can only assume you're reasonably new and yes, although the system is meant to reward performance but needs enough time to assess that performance!


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