Hi,Sorry I missed the details, but hope I am not late.Yes, I passed and now working for the company. Interviews are fairly straightforward without asking too complex questions. It is really Chaucer's Way - avoid useless office politics where possible, keep relaxed atmosphere, put people in relatively big teams (there are more than 10 Chaucer employees sitting on the same floor as me right now) and coordinate support to people from HQ and by local leaders.Basic salary is perhaps slightly less than in some London-based boutique consultancies, i.e. Senior Consultants/Managing Consultants/Principal Consultants get £50k-£70k, but then you get about £4.5k car allowance. However, if you, like most Chaucer employees, live outside London and home based, then you are eligible to claim all travel expenses/hotel/evening meals even if you normally work in London. Many other consultancies calculate distance to site from your office location and usually try to be near the clients, so you cannot claim much unless you work really far from home. This makes quite a difference in my case - before Chaucer, I used to work in London and could not claim any money for travel to my London client sites, now it works out I get about £1.5k on fuel expenses while still working in London. It is good for family too because I am back home all days a week.Hope this helps.