Hi - happy to do so! Generally, if you keep your nerves, it is manageable. There were 2 one hour case studies - one in the plastic sector one in the non-delivery fulfilment industry followed by a partner interview. Well, I struggled with the second case study, spent too much time actually trying to understand what this sector actually is. It killed my offer. Otherwise, I apparently did well, in some parts even above average, but...I have to apply again in some months... In sum, you get a couple of pages of a real company case with a problem (I can't remember entirely, but the firms growth was poorly and they were considering to expand in new markets (either eastern/central Europe or internationally). It includes graphs of their performance, spend structure, comments made by experts who have been interviewed etc. . You have 15 min. time to read it and answer relevant questions. The second case study involved a market sizing element. As usual calculations are in their billions, so make sure you don't get the 0's wrong.I really wanted that role, and was very nervous, which normally isn't really me. The first interviewer was so kind and left me in the room on my own, but not the second, so just be prepared. Not sure this is much of help.