pwc has pretty good footprint in australia; its mostly tax, finance, and superannuation work.They are trying to diversify more into areas such as healthcare, but have limited success so far. They have large presences in syd and mel. Brand reputation is very good, however, they use their brand to justify a substandard below- market salary( unless sr manager and above). Typical of most big global players. In fact, i know a person whose salary jumped 40% after leaving pwc australia. PWC would like to think it was them that prepared the employee well to receive such a jump...but i think we all know the reality...when you offer peanuts, a walnut looks like a massive hike. Another a grad, they will not disclose your salary UNLESS you sign the contract heard right. But this is only for grads. They cant getaway with this for anyother tier of employee....and as i mentioned in my prev post, they are all the, deloitte, ey etc etc...nothing much you can do, except join as manager or snr manager and above- all of a sudden , your status, salary, and negotiating power increases big time.