Good rates are still there at the top end of the market, but the 'bulk' of the consulting world has experienced a reduction in daily rates. The reduction in daily rates, as I see it, has been caused by:1. Arrogance - On the part of middle-management clients (these people being the ones who historically would need to do the bulk of the consultancy hiring) who think they know better than to use a professional advisor.2. Envy - On the part of the same middle-management clients who think that us Management Consultants are all millionaires, because they have read too many articles in the Sunday Times. As such, they'll do anything to make sure we don't get a good rate.3. Bad reputation of consultancy - See above, also suppressing daily rates.4. People increasingly thinking "whoa, £1000 a day for a consultant, oh man can they really buy a luxury holiday for doing just 1 days worth of work!!!!" and comparing our fee rates to their own personal living expenses. This can be a killer for consultants. People just don't seem to 'get it' anymore - they view consultants as being extremely expensive, even for tiny engagements, even though they'll quite happily pay their own staff a fortune in pension contributions etc. And they don't seem to understand the concept of overheads and marketing time either.