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Redundancy and future employment

forum comment
#0 Redundancy and future employment
15.09.10 00:00
Hello - can anyone shed some light on how your future employment is affected if you have been made redundant in current environment. many agents are quite keen to know why someone is made redundant without realising that these are financial decisions that organisations take rather due to performance issues of any individuals.


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#0 RE: Redundancy and future employment
16.09.10 00:00
I would imagine that over time more and more people will have odd events on their CV's around 2009/10 and the story about the recession will become accepted amongst recruiters.You could also suppose that if a company hasn't already been through it themselves then they'll be just about to suffer some form of slowdown (seeing it now in some of the more capital intensive/protected industries).However I'd also welcome some input from recruiters on this one as I guess a lot of people may have a similar question.


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#0 RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
16.09.10 00:00
It is better than it used to be. If it was a few years ago or you have recently been made redundant then I don't think it makes much difference.The bigger problem is when you have several breaks in the CV or were made redundant more than 6 months ago.I was made redundant last year from a non-consulting role. I have had consistently high performance reviews but there was no demand for people with my background. Now demand is picking up and I have had some interviews....but you can see the eyebrows being raised when they see a year of not working.In general those who are working do not understand the state of the job market.


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#0 RE: Redundancy and future employment
Mars A Day
16.09.10 00:00
On redundancy itself: there is no stigma attached to it, and frankly unless you were senior enough to make a real impact on the profitability of the firm there was probably little you could have done about it, if anything at all. It helps to place the redundancy into context when you are explaining your circumstances: if an entire practice closed for example or you were 1 of a large number made redundant (large relative to the size of organisation I mean) then say so. It is important that you make it clear that you were made redundant because of the wider context, not for your own lack of performance. Getting this message across clearly, and without recriminations, being retiscent to explain it, or resentfulness and you will not only go along way to putting the issue tp one side, you will also help to deal with the more important (and damaging effects) of redundancy.The reality is it is often not redundancy which counts against you - it is becoming a fact of life, most people will have portfolio careers throught their lifetime, and despite the efforts of the unions to protect jobs for life in the public sector, most people will lose a job for one reason or another. Those you interview with will also have seen it, been through it, or know someone who has. What damages your application is the loss of confidence and self worth which people attach to redundancy - it's quite natural to rationalise it as being a decision about you as an individual. Like many major changes in life it takes a grieving process to let go of what happened. Be angry about it if that helps, but when you are interviewing put it into the positive light which you will sooner or later see anyway - a chance to reassess, to update skills and knowledge, see more of the family, pursue those dream opportunities which you just never had the time to do, focused as you were on working hard for your previous role.


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#0 RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
Shoe Polisher
16.09.10 00:00
I'm with Mars. I often bang on about being a recruiter I won't bore you with that but I do a lot of interviewing and sit in on case studies, negotiations etc..I would say, if you have any bitterness about being made redundant, go get some couselling and leave it at the door. Whilst its completely understandable, no-one wants to hear it.Don't be defensive, be open and share your thoughts and as mars rightly says, stay positive. There are plenty of jobs out there.Good luck.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
17.03.11 00:00
Is there any advantage/disadvantage in signing or not signing the final redundancy paperwork ? I am being pushed by HR to return the paper work...though it is optional to do so


forum comment
#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
Mars A Day
17.03.11 00:00
Assuming the proper consultation process has been followed you should sign and return the paperwork - accepting the redundancy will not only make you a 'good leaver' but also will entitle you to a decent redundancy severance. Not signing it will still leave you redundant but you are likely to be ejected with a less generous payout. Before you sign though check what is being stated. This is a great opportunity to negotiate for some outplacement help if its not already provided, and a guaranteed reference (wording agreed with you).


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
not quite similar story
17.03.11 00:00
Sorry OP to hijack your post, though my story is different but I might face the similar challenges from recruiters/ employers and hence, putting up here:I left one of the leading consulting companies merely in a couple of month of joining due to a number of reasons:- Expected to work away from home 5 days a week (Before joining I thought I will have flexibility to choose projects/industry/location "as I had in the other BIG4 I worked for" but this assumption didn’t hold true)- Work wasn’t exciting enough and the role I was asked to play was far junior level to the role I was hired for and Career progression opportunities were not present which was one of the key reason why I joined this BIG4- The company itself doesn’t do much exciting work in IT consulting space so even if I would have moved from my current project there were not many exciting opportunities which would have motivated me to stick to this company for at least a year or two. This company which is one of the most prestigious BIG4 turned out to be no more than a body shopper.Whether or not you are in agreement with my rationale of leaving this company but now that I have left that company and just starting to look for new roles I would like to know forum’s expert comments as to what rationale I should give to recruiters which results in they securing an interview for me.In general how would recruiters perceive me? Does it not happen frequently in this world that people can leave companies in such a short duration if post joining they don’t like the company, culture, role, career progression path/ time-scales etc?


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
17.03.11 00:00
I had a similar experience to the last poster - joined 'consulting' part of a big integrated services firm and almost immediately recognised it as a low-end bodyshop. stuck it out for a year, very unhappy, then took VR. advice I was then given was that I should have left straight away rather than sticking around for a year, so you may have done the right thing. your issue will be explaining your motives in terms that don't put other consultancies off, as frankly most of them these days do have those project choice and lifestyle issues and won't want to take someone on who explicitly represents them as negatives.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
17.03.11 00:00
@ not quite similar,The problem that you face is not that you left your previous employer precipitously, but that you have shown yourself in previous posts to be an egomaniac and a moron.You have posted on this forum at each and every stage of your sorry story. From your contract position with it's "view of the Thames", to your request for salary advice, then onto your initial disappointment, then requests for names of good lawyers that would help you "sue BIG4". Your last few posts have started to highest that now you undertstand the impact of your stupidity on your CV. Even then you managed to ignore the accurate and well intentioned advice of some of the most respected members of this board, instead responding with a bile-filled rant of such a personal nature that the entire thread was pulled, on common assent.Learn your lesson. Go away.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
Shoe (lick) polisher
17.03.11 00:00
I am the GOD of this Forum.


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#0 RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: Redundancy and future employment
17.03.11 00:00
With the power to delete threads, only Tony R could make that claim! Applications for the position of Aristotle, Copernicus and Newton remain open.


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