No.Alt investors will look to hire those with directly applicable experience: BB IB (not generally Cap Markets but pure IB), and MBB, potentially Big 4 for the DD work. Historically they have had their pick of the brightest and most capable from these fields. Of course the al investor market has been in turmoil recently - as has been mentioned on here before the lack of liquidity has left the market stifled, and expect this to get worse under Basel 3, so fund with liquidity are taking time on where to invest. Hence less opportunities for new hires as there are far less moves within the pyramid at higher levels.But I question your actual level of interest: if you cannot invest in yourself to get some relevant qualifications or experience why should they invest in you? The fact that you are asking wether a degree and irrelevant experience can be applicable suggests that you dont even understand what the role is, you are attracted by the 'glamour'. And on that glamour bear in mind that for every superstar in a hedge fund there are hundred seeing their health, relationships and whatever else driven into the ground chasing the carried carry rainbow...