Ah ok. Clearer.Much like consulting the front office of IB has its fair share of poor performers. It's a popular myth they are all millionaires on mega bonuses. Also with far less liquidity to play with, revenues in front office is falling away, and if you look at the current trend to kill off prop trading and push those traders back into flow, then the bubble is starting to shrink. So comp coming down in FO.Risk Managers have seen their stars rising recently, and of course it does depend on what you are doing in risk. A programme manager leading a major SII implementation is likely to be pulling in some serious cash, a compliance office much much less. What really pushes the ££ of risk managers up currently is product knowledge. If you know how to price the risk on a weird looking derivative you're in a good position. Unless you are really in a hot area, or very senior, top end for a risk role bank side would be circa 120 - 160, with a poss bonus element. Risk consulting would be similar at top end, although in MC you could surpass the CRO level in bank by making it to Director or Partner level within a risk practice.